News – September 2014

Scottish Referendum: Scotland has voted, what about the rest of the UK?



Nobody could doubt David Cameron’s relief as he addressed the news media outside Number 10 on the morning that the Scottish people voted by a margin of 10 points to remain in the Union. Losing the Union would surely have forced his resig...

Launch coverage in the trade media for innovative weather MGA Excessweather Ltd

Launch Coverage: Excessweather Ltd, September 2014


Excessweather launches with £100mn facility (Insurance Insider)

Excessweather, a new managing general agency that provides indexe...

Certus client Excessweather launches this week

New underwriting platform launches to take advantage of a break in the weather

The first UK-flagged weather index coverholder has launched [this week], aiming to take advantage of growing market interest in a form of insurance and reinsurance that pays out...

Tory Schism as Douglas Carswell defects to UKIP

The decision by odd-ball MP Douglas Carswell to resign the Tory Whip and seek election (Harwich) as the first UKIP MP in Westminster has been described as a watershed moment for the Conservatives. Following his defection, rumours swirled around Parliament that a number of other rebel MPs would jo...