Nobody could doubt David Cameron’s relief as he addressed the news media outside Number 10 on the morning that the Scottish people voted by a margin of 10 points to remain in the Union. Losing the Union would surely have forced his resig...
Launch Coverage: Excessweather Ltd, September 2014
Excessweather launches with £100mn facility (Insurance Insider)
Excessweather, a new managing general agency that provides indexe...
New underwriting platform launches to take advantage of a break in the weather
The first UK-flagged weather index coverholder has launched [this week], aiming to take advantage of growing market interest in a form of insurance and reinsurance that pays out...
The decision by odd-ball MP Douglas Carswell to resign the Tory Whip and seek election (Harwich) as the first UKIP MP in Westminster has been described as a watershed moment for the Conservatives. Following his defection, rumours swirled around Parliament that a number of other rebel MPs would jo...